J Parathyr Dis. 2014;2(2): 57-58.
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Lessons from our paleolithic primogenitors; a short look to the world diabetes day 2014 with the theme of "healthy living and diabetes"

Mohammad-Reza Ardalan 1, Hamid Nasri 2*

1 Chronic Kidney Disease Research Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran.
2 Department of Internal Medicine, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran.
*Corresponding Author: *Corresponding author: Prof. Hamid Nasri,, Email: hamidnasri@med.mui.ac.ir

Implication for health policy/practice/research/medical education

Each year, November 14, is celebrated as World Diabetes Day (WDD). WDD is a campaign led by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and its associations throughout the world. It is nominated since 1991 in a collaborative campaign by IDF and WHO in response to a worldwide concerns about the graveness of threat. The WDD 2014 campaign marks the first of a three-year (2014-16) emphasis on "healthy living and diabetes". This activities and materials in these years will particularly be concentrate on the topic of healthy eating that is important both as prevention of and as a applicable management of diabetes complications.

Please cite this paper as: Ardalan MR, Nasri H. Lessons from our paleolithic primogenitors; a short look to the world diabetes day 2014 with the theme of "healthy living and diabetes". J Parathyr Dis 2014; 2(2): 57-58.

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ePublished: 01 Sep 2014
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