J Parathyr Dis. 2018;6(2): 36-38.
doi: 10.15171/jpd.2018.14
  Abstract View: 4109
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The need for a reliable bone biomarker to better assess chronic kidney disease mineral and bone disorder

Ramin Tolouian 1*, Ajay Gupta 2

1 Department of Internal Medicine, Manatee Memorial Hospital, Bradenton, FL, USA.
2 Rockwell Medical, Wixom, MI, USA.
*Corresponding Author: *Corresponding author: Ramin Tolouian,, Email: Tolouian@yahoo.com


Chronic kidney disease mineral and bone disorder is a metabolic bone disease present in almost all uremic patients. There are no good markers of bone resorption available for uremic patients. The validity of parathormone as a surrogate marker of bone and mineral disorders has been questioned over the past decade. We need to shift from Surrogate markers to bone markers.
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ePublished: 25 Sep 2017
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